How To Run With Your Dog

I own a English Springer Spaniel called Bradley (that’s him in the photo!) Pounding the trail in the early morning with him is rewarding and invigorating. It is a great way to exercise and bond with him while I reap the rewards of all the exercise I’m getting at the same time. So what tips … Read more

Can You Go Running With Rings On?

Running is an activity that many people enjoy. A common question that people do have is whether or not they should wear their jewelry while they are out on their run or if they should find a safe place to store it until they get back. Yes you can run with your rings on as … Read more

Running In The Wind: 9 Ideas To Inspire you!

I’ve been there, too; running in the wind can be tough. The wind at your back feels great, but running into even a mild headwind can feel tough and frustrating as you battle the air resistance. As a fellow runner, I understand this; it can be like running in a wind tunnel! I live on … Read more

Should I drink water while running?

Learning how to hydrate correctly is one of the skills I’ve had to learn in my own running journey. Runners often wonder when to drink water while running, but a lot depends on the distance you’re planning. For runs under 5 miles, you want to drink 6 ounces (170g) of water at least 30 minutes … Read more

Should I Go Running With A Hat On?

Running with a hat is often a necessity for gaining protection from the elements, hot or cold. In the six years I’ve been running regularly, I’ve found that I love running with a warm beanie hat on in the winter, it must be a comfort thing. But there are a range of reasons you might … Read more

Can You Lose Belly Fat By Running On A Treadmill

Having belly fat is annoying, and we all want to get rid of it as soon as possible. There are different manners to go about it, but perhaps there is a convenient way that doesn’t require an enormous amount of physical exertion. We all know that doing cardio is a good way to lose fat … Read more

How To Start Running When You Hate It

Ok, Running is not for everyone. It is one of the BEST activities that you can do to stay fit, but at the same time, it may seem like a tedious activity, people often complain it seems repetitive. With all of that said, most people have considered running as a form of daily exercise at … Read more

Running In A Hoodie: A Good idea?

Whether or not a runner wears comfortable and proper running attire when training is an important part of the sport, one of the worst running experiences is feeling uncomfortable while trying to complete a long run. Some people wear hoodies (also known as a running sweatshirt) when running, whether in the hot or cold, to … Read more