Best Trail Running Podcasts: Top Picks for Trail Runners

I listen to podcasts every time I go running. It’s the only time I get to listen to them.

Whether you are an experienced trail runner or a beginner looking to learn more, podcasts can be a great resource for tips, motivation, and inspiration.

This article will explore some of the best trail-running podcasts available today and what makes them stand out.

Trail running podcasts cover various topics, from training and nutrition to stories of epic adventures and interviews with top athletes.

With so many options available, choosing the right podcast for you can be overwhelming. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the top trail-running podcasts that will keep you entertained, informed, and inspired.

Overview of Trail Running Podcasts

Trail running podcasts are a great way to stay updated with the latest news, trends, and tips in the trail running community.

Whether you’re a seasoned trail runner or just getting started, a podcast exists for you. In this section, we’ll give you an overview of trail-running podcasts and what you can expect from them.

Top Trail Running Podcasts

If you’re looking for inspiration or trail running tips, podcasts can be a great resource. Here are some of the top trail-running podcasts to check out:

Trail Runner Nation

Podcast - Trailrunner Nation

Trail Runner Nation is a podcast that covers a wide range of topics related to trail running, from training and nutrition to gear and race reports. Hosted by Don Freeman and Scott Warr, the podcast features interviews with top athletes and experts in the field. The hosts have a relaxed and conversational style that makes the podcast easy to listen to.

Trailrunner Nation Podcast

Cultra Trail Running

Podcast - Cultra Trail Running

Cultra Trail Running is a podcast that focuses on the Northeast trail running scene. Hosted by Art Byram and his rotating cast of co-hosts, the podcast features interviews with runners, race directors, and other members of the trail running community. The hosts have a fun and irreverent style that makes the podcast entertaining and informative.

Cultra Trail Running Podcast

Wild Ginger Running

Podcast - Wild Ginger Running

Wild Ginger Running is a UK-based podcast that covers all aspects of trail running, from training and nutrition to gear and race reports. Hosted by Claire Maxted, the podcast features interviews with top athletes and experts in the field. The host has a friendly and enthusiastic style that makes the podcast engaging and informative.

Wild Ginger Running


Podcast - Ultrarunner Podcast

Ultrarunnerpodcast is a podcast that focuses on ultrarunning but also covers trail running more broadly. Hosted by Eric Schranz, the podcast features interviews with top athletes and experts in the field. The host has a laid-back and conversational style that makes the podcast easy to listen to.

UltraRunner Podcast

The Rich Roll Podcast

The Rich Roll Podcast

The Rich Roll Podcast covers a wide range of topics related to health and wellness, including trail running. Hosted by Rich Roll, an ultra-endurance athlete and plant-based advocate, the podcast features interviews with a diverse range of guests, from athletes to authors to entrepreneurs. The host has a thoughtful and engaging style that makes the podcast both informative and inspiring.

The Rich Roll Podcast

Running on OM

Running on OM Podcast

Running on Om is a podcast that covers a wide range of topics related to health and wellness, including trail running. Hosted by Julia Hanlon, the podcast features interviews with top athletes and experts in the field. The host has a thoughtful and reflective style

makes the podcast both informative and inspiring.

Running on OM Podcast

Run to the Top

Run to the top podcast

Run to the Top is a podcast that covers all aspects of running, including trail running. Hosted by Stephanie Kay Atwood, the podcast features interviews with top athletes and experts in the field. The host has a friendly and approachable style makes the podcast both informative and accessible.

Run to the Top Podcast

Becoming Ultra

Becoming Ultra Podcast

Becoming Ultra is a podcast that follows runners’ journey as they train for their first ultramarathon. Hosted by Scott Jones, the podcast features interviews with the runners and their coaches and tips and advice for training and racing. The host has a supportive and encouraging style makes the podcast both informative and inspiring.

Becoming Ultra Podcast

These are just a few of the many great trail running podcasts out there. Whether you’re a seasoned ultrarunner or just starting out, there’s a podcast out there that can help you learn, grow, and stay motivated.

Why you should listen to Podcasts for Trail Running

Listening to podcasts can be a great way to learn from experts and stay motivated if you want to improve your trail running performance. Here are some of the best trail running podcasts for training tips, nutrition advice, gear recommendations, pacing strategy, and mental focus.

Training Tips

Trail running requires different skills than road running, and it’s important to train accordingly. The Trail Runner Nation podcast is a great resource for training tips, with episodes covering topics like hill training, strength training, and injury prevention. The hosts also interview top trail runners and coaches to get their insights on training strategies.

Nutrition Advice

Fueling properly is key to performing your best on the trails. The Science of Ultra podcast is a great resource for nutrition advice, with episodes covering topics like fueling for long runs, hydration strategies, and recovery nutrition. The host, Shawn Bearden, is a sports scientist and registered dietitian, so you can trust his advice to be evidence-based.

Gear Recommendations

Having the right gear can make a big difference in your trail running experience. The Trail Runner Nation podcast is also a great resource for gear recommendations, with episodes covering topics like shoe selection, hydration packs, and GPS watches. The hosts often interview gear experts and review the latest products on the market.

Pacing Strategy

Pacing yourself properly is key to finishing strong in a trail race. The Ultra Runner Podcast is a great resource for pacing strategy, with episodes covering topics like race strategy, pacing for different distances, and mental toughness. The host, Eric Schranz, is an experienced ultra runner and coach, so you can trust his advice to be practical and effective.

Mental Focus

Trail running can be as much of a mental challenge as a physical one. The Trail Running Women podcast is a great resource for mental focus, with episodes covering topics like motivation, goal setting, and overcoming mental barriers. The host, Hilary Allen, is a professional ultrarunner and mental performance coach, so you can trust her advice to be insightful and actionable.

Listening to podcasts can be a great way to stay motivated and learn from experts in the trail running community. Whether you’re looking for training tips, nutrition advice, gear recommendations, pacing strategy, or mental focus, these podcasts have got you covered.

Inspirational Stories in Podcasts

Trail running podcasts are full of inspirational stories that motivate and encourage runners to push their limits and achieve their goals. Here are some of the most inspiring sub-sections of trail running podcasts:

Elite Athletes

Many trail running podcasts feature interviews with elite athletes, such as Jim Walmsley and Dylan Bowman. These athletes share their training tips, race strategies, and accomplishments. Listening to their stories can be incredibly inspiring and can motivate runners to push themselves harder in their own training.

First Ultra

For many runners, completing their first ultra is a major accomplishment. Trail running podcasts often feature interviews with runners who have recently completed their first ultra. These stories can be incredibly inspiring for runners who are considering taking on the challenge of an ultra for the first time.

Trail Running Women

Trail running podcasts also often feature interviews with women who are making a name for themselves in the sport. These women share their experiences as trail runners and offer advice for other women who are interested in getting into the sport. Their stories are inspiring and can help motivate women to pursue their own trail running goals.

Motherhood and Running

Many trail running podcasts also feature interviews with mothers who are balancing the demands of motherhood with their love of running. These women share their experiences and offer advice for other mothers who are trying to balance running with parenting. Their stories are inspiring and can help motivate other mothers to continue pursuing their own running goals.

Overall, trail running podcasts are a great source of inspiration for runners of all levels. Whether you are an elite athlete or a beginner just starting out, there are stories and advice in these podcasts that can help you achieve your own trail running goals.

Podcasts by Region

If you’re looking for trail-running podcasts that cater to specific regions, you’re in luck. Here are some of the best podcasts focusing on trail running in different areas of the United States.

North East

The North East region is home to some of the country’s most challenging and scenic trails. If you’re a trail runner in this area, you might want to check out the Northeast Trail Running Podcast. This podcast is hosted by trail runners who share their experiences and insights about trail running in the North East. They also cover topics such as gear, nutrition, and training.

Southeastern Trail Runner Podcast

The Southeastern Trail Runner Podcast is a great resource for trail runners in the southeastern part of the United States. Hosted by experienced trail runners, this podcast covers various topics related to trail running, including race reviews, gear reviews, and training tips. They also interview members of the trail-running community and discuss their experiences and insights.

Appalachian Trail

The Appalachian Trail is one of the most iconic trails in the United States. If you’re planning to run this trail or want to learn more about it, you might want to check out the Trail Tales – An Appalachian Trail Thru-Hiking Podcast. This podcast features interviews with hikers who have completed the entire trail and experts who offer insights and advice for those planning to run or hike the trail.

Overall, there are plenty of great podcasts out there for trail runners. Whether you’re looking for training tips, gear reviews or want to hear from members of the trail running community, there’s a podcast out there for you. So, grab your headphones and hit the trails!

Trends in Trail Running Podcasts

Trail-running podcasts have been gaining popularity in recent years, and the trend shows no signs of slowing down. According to Google Trends, the search interest for “trail running podcasts” has steadily increased since 2020. This indicates that more and more people are interested in listening to podcasts about trail running.

Apple Podcasts, one of the most popular podcast platforms, has a dedicated section for trail-running podcasts. This section features some of the most popular and highly-rated trail-running podcasts worldwide. This shows that trail-running podcasts are gaining popularity not only among listeners but also among podcast platforms.

Singletrack, a popular trail running magazine, has also noticed the trend and has started producing its podcast. The Singletrack podcast features interviews with prominent figures in the trail running world and discussions about the latest trends and news in the industry.

Influencers in the trail running world have also started to produce their podcasts. These podcasts often feature interviews with other prominent figures in the industry and tips and advice for trail runners. This shows that trail running podcasts are a great way to stay informed about the latest trends and news in the industry and learn from experienced trail runners.

Overall, the trend in trail running podcasts is clear: they are becoming increasingly popular among trail runners and podcast listeners. With more and more podcasts being produced, listeners have more options than ever before. Whether you’re a seasoned trail runner or just starting out, a podcast exists for you.


In conclusion, trail-running podcasts are an excellent way to stay up-to-date with the latest news, tips, and advice in the trail-running community. With a diverse range of podcasts available, there is something for everyone, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced trail runner.

Based on our research, we recommend checking out the following trail-running podcasts:

  • Trail Runner Nation: Hosted by Don Freeman and Scott Warr, this podcast covers a wide range of topics related to trail running, including training, nutrition, and gear. With over 400 episodes, there is plenty of content to explore.
  • The Freetrail Podcast: Presented by professional trail runner Dylan Bowman, this podcast features interviews with elite athletes in the sport. Bowman’s engaging and informative style makes this podcast a must-listen for any serious trail runner.
  • Science of Ultra (SOUP): Hosted by Shawn Bearden, a physiology and exercise science professor, this podcast takes a scientific approach to ultra and trail running. With a focus on research and evidence-based practices, this podcast is a great resource for anyone looking to improve their performance.

Of course, these are just a few trail-running podcasts available. We encourage you to explore and find the most resonating with you.

Remember, podcasts are not a substitute for hands-on training and experience. Always consult a qualified coach or healthcare professional before embarking on any new training program. Happy trails!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some popular trail-running podcasts?

Some popular trail running podcasts include Trail Runner Nation, Ultrarunner Podcast, Ginger Runner Live, and The Trail Running Women Podcast.

Which trail-running podcasts have the most interesting guests?

Trail Runner Nation and Ultrarunner Podcast are known for having interesting guests, including elite athletes, coaches, and experts in the field of trail running.

What are some lesser-known trail-running podcasts worth checking out?

Some lesser-known trail running podcasts worth checking out include The Trail Running Co. Podcast, The Trail Runners Experience, and The Trail Running Podcast.

What are the best trail running podcasts for beginners?

The Trail Running Women Podcast and Trail Runner Nation offer episodes specifically geared towards beginners, including training, gear, and nutrition tips.

Are there any trail running podcasts that focus on nutrition and training?

Some trail running podcasts focusing on nutrition and training include Science of Ultra, Trail Runner Nation, and Trail Running Women Podcast.

Which trail-running podcasts offer the most inspiring stories and experiences?

Ginger Runner Live and The Trail Running Co. Podcast are known for featuring inspiring stories and experiences from trail runners of all levels.

About Me

Hey, I'm Mark and I've been running for around eight years. I'm by no means an elite runner. I'm in the mid-pack, doing what I can to improve and learn along the way.

I've learnt a few tricks along the which I share on this website and my Instagram: